Dear members of the AFDC, 

Due to the snow storm, our facilities will be closed Tuesday, February 11, from 2:00 PM until Thursday, February 13 at 10:30.

Restez bien au chaud!

Tcf logoTCF: DAP

Dear candidates,

Thank you very much for your interest in taking the exam TCF-DAP  at Alliance Française of Washington DC.

The Test de connaissance du français (TCF), designed by the Centre International d’Études Pédagogiques (CIEP) and accredited by the French Ministry of Education, is a French language proficiency test for non-native speakers who need their level of proficiency certified. Alliance Francaise de Washington now only offers the TCF-DAP (TCF pour la demande d'admission préalable) which is for those applying as a first-year undergraduate student (L1) at a French university or a French school of architecture.  Note that the AFDC uses the paper and electronic version of this exam.

Exam format:  TCF-DAP computer based. 

  1. Compréhension orale* :  Épreuve collective : 29 questions à choix multiple (4 choix de réponses, une seule réponse correcte)
  2. Maîtrise des structures de la langue* : Épreuve collective : 18 questions à choix multiple (4 choix de réponses, une seule réponse correcte)
  3. Compréhension écrite* : Épreuve collective : 29 questions à choix multiple (4 choix de réponses, une seule réponse correcte)
  4. Expression écrite : Épreuve collective : 3 exercices

Le TCF dans le cadre de la DAP a une durée de 2 heures 25 :

*Dans le cadre d’une passation sur ordinateur, le temps de passation de la compréhension orale, de la maîtrise des structures de la langue et de la compréhension écrite compte une dizaine de minutes supplémentaire par rapport à une passation sur support papier.


Seats for exams will be limited to 5 persons per exam session.


Please, look at the exam calendar for any upcoming exam sessions. Make sure you choose the correct exam when you register. If you have a question about which exam to take, please email Jessy at:  Each exam has strict opening and closing registration deadlines  (check each specific exam section).

Diploma and/or exam certificates must be picked up in person, upon presentation of a valid, government-issued, ID.

Should an exam session be cancelled for inclement weather, technical problem with the platform during the exam, sickness , act of God, or any other circumstance beyond our control,  the AFDC cannot be held responsible for any personal arrangements made by the candidate (transport, accommodation, etc.).

The CCIP (for the TEF) and the FEI (for the TCF and Delf-Dalf) will not refund the candidate for a missed session, nor reimburse any personal expenses engaged to come and take the exam, even if this latter is canceled for any reason whatsoever. This is why, based upon unfortunate pre-pandemic experience, we have decided not to accept any longer candidates who live further away than 75 miles away from Washington DC.


To help you locate another Exam Center in the USA and which exam is administrated, please click on the following link.


Upcoming TCF exam sessions: November 2023

Exam dates

Exam type

Registration starts

Registration ends

November 8, 2024 


September  20, 2024 October 25, 2024 

November 15, 2024 


September 27, 2024 November 1, 2024 

Please note that exam centers in other cities may offer more TCF sessions throughout the year. For exam centers outside of DC, please consult the list of exam centers by clicking here

There will be no TCF sessions in July and August.
Please note that a minimum is 30 days must be respected between each TCF exam if you wish to retake it.  Otherwise, your registration will be cancelled by the CIEP.
Please note that the AFDC reserves the right to close registrations early if we reach maximum capacity before the deadline. You may email to be placed on a waiting list in this case. Similarly, a testing session may be cancelled if there are fewer than 3 participants. If this happens, we can move your registration to the next session. No refunds or credits will be issued if a registered candidate misses an exam session.








All fees must be paid in full at time of registration. 

Exam fees are not refundable after the registration deadline. In case of withdrawal before the registration deadline, a $25 fee will be applied. 


The CIEP delivers a certificate that rates the candidate’s quantitative and qualitative performance and provides an analysis of results. Results are normally available 2 weeks after the exam and are valid for two years.

For more information about TCF, please visit