The AFDC Library will be OPEN today (Thursday November 7) from  about 11:30 AM - 5 PM.

Des Mots et des Hommes (Of Words and Men)

Guess what country has received the most Nobel Prizes in Literature…? France, bien sûr! La langue de Molière et de Racine continues to inspire hip and upcoming French authors such as Nathalie Azoulai (Titus n’aimait pas Bérénice), Olivier Bourdeaut (En attendant Bojangles) and of course Andreï Makine, Russian-born author who chose France as his home, writes in French (Le testament français, Le pays du lieutenant Schreiber, and many more), and is now the youngest member of the Académie française. The Alliance Française will be hosting such acclaimed and renowned French and Francophone authors in this series.

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events scheduled for this series at this time